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Auto Injury Attorneys

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Tatiana Boohoff


As the managing partner of Boohoff Law, P.A., I represent people and families who have been injured by the negligence of others.

With many years of experience in successfully settling personal injury claims, I fight for my clients to get them the justice and financial reparations they deserve.

Stephanie Sivils
Aiyana Trinidad - Boohoff Law

Aiyana Trinidad


Allison Dudinetz

Intake Specialist
Amy Lutz - Boohoff Law

Amy Lutz

Litigation Paralegal

Aubrin Collier


Brittany Landgren

Intake Specialist
Caitlin Combs

Caitlin Combs

Provider Marketing Specialist
Cheryl Scalzo - Boohoff Law

Cheryl Scalzo

Litigation Paralegal
Christina Adams - Boohoff Law

Christina Adams

Legal Assistant
Delisa Goff

Delisa Goff

Case Manager

Emily Rosario

Litigation Assistant
Emma Nelson

Emma Nelson

Legal Assistant

Genelle Balough

Litigation Paralegal
team photo

Isabella Laures

Receptionist/Legal Assistant
Jocelyn Cardenas

Jocelyn Cardenas

Case Manager

Kate Shakirov

Case Manager
Kim Veneziano - Boohoff Law

Kim Veneziano

Case Manager

Lauren Primmer

Case Manager
team photo

Lindsay Castellano

Case Manager
team photo

Madeline Statler

Intake/Legal Assistant

Megan Rottum

Case Manager
team photo

Michelle Pieller

Case Manager

Michelle Rimes

Case Manager

Nicole Hanifan

Sabalich Velazque - Boohoff Law

Sabalich Velazque

Case Manager
Sarah Kozachenko

Sarah Kozachenko

Legal Assistant

Sasha Melamed

Case Manager

Shannon Romera

Case Manager
team photo

Stephanie Sivils

Legal Assistant
Vanessa Huber - Boohoff Law

Vanessa Huber

Litigation Paralegal

At Boohoff Law, P.A., we provide big-firm results with small-firm service. We are a skilled team of attorneys, medical and litigation paralegals and seasoned administrative professionals who have been working together for many years.

Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with peace of mind by making sure you always have the information and guidance you need. We are passionate and committed to helping our clients recover and doing what is in your best interest at all times.

Whether you have been hurt in a car accident, bitten by a neighbor’s dog, or sustained any other sort of negligence-based injury, we understand the challenges you face and are committed to making your life easier during this time.

We will get you through this.

As you focus on recovery, we’ll focus on your case, helping you understand the true value of your claim, all of your options, and taking on the insurance companies and legal system to get you the outcome you deserve.

Recovery is personal.

We recover millions for our clients every month, but we know that every case is different and that recovery is personal.
“Boohoff Law definitely stands behind integrity. Tatiana is not only a fantastic attorney in her expertise, she’s also down-to-earth – truly a people person.”
– Elissa M.
% star rating
“Really pleased with Boohoff Law! Received immediate responses when I had any questions. Treated amazingly by all staff … made this process a true breeze!”
– Caitlyn M.
5 star rating
“Everyone here is so helpful. They jumped through every hoop necessary to get me the settlement I rightfully deserved. They made me feel right at home.”
– Brandy K.

You're better off with Boohoff.